Sunday, June 13, 2010

Facts for June Month

1.June 1st 1928 A record was established in newsprint production in Corner Brook.
2.June 2nd 1922 .Business section of Woody Point Bonne Bay was destroyed by fire .
3.June 3rd 1904. First moose liberated in Province just east of Howley.
4.June 6th 1943 Park Street School Corner Brook was destroyed by fire.
5.June 7th 1922. Mrs. P Burton and her three year old child killed by and explosion at Mouse Island near Channel while lighting a fire with kerosene.
6.June 11th 1911. First large fire in Bay of Islands area destroyed 54 building spread over a 7 mile area.
7. June 12th 1834. Newfoundland Savings Bank established .
8.June 16th 1933.First sod turned for the New Paper Mill In Corner Brook .
9.June 26th 1881. The First comet was visible in St. John's
10.June 29th 1898. The first train across Newfoundland left St. John's at 7:20 P.M. and arrived in Port Aux Basques after 27 hours and 45 minutes connected with the S.S.Bruce .
11.June 30th 1898 The S.S. Bruce left Port Aux Basques at 11:50 pm on her first history making trip to North Sydney inaugurating the Gulf Ferry Service between Nfld. and Nova Scotia .

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